The Odisha Vigilance Department yesterday raided the properties of Jagannath Sethy, an executive engineer in rural works (electrical) division, Berhampur, and unearthed assets worth Rs 7 crore, including Rs 19.88 lakh in cash.
According to vigilance officials, Sethy and his son had locked themselves inside their houses at Berhampur and Bhubaneswar, respectively, to evade action and obstruct the vigilance team from conducting searches. Both Sethy and his son showed non-cooperation even after being told about the search warrants.
In such a situation, the vigilance teams were forced to enter the premises after breaking open the entrance doors.
Appropriate legal action will be taken against them for obstruction in lawful discharge of duties, the vigilance team said.
During the raids at five places in Ganjam and Khurda districts, the vigilance team found four multi-storey buildings at important locations whose market value would be over Rs 4.17 crore, 12 plots worth Rs 1.34 crore, bank deposits of Rs 85 lakh, two four-wheelers, Rs 19.88 lakh in cash, two motorcycles along with gold ornaments.
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