The vigilance department on Friday arrested an engineer from Odisha’s water resources department here, after seizing his assets valued at over Rs 4 crore, during a raid.
“We are conducting raids on the properties of the accused, Kartikeswar Roul, who is an Assistant Engineer of the Minor Irrigation Division in Ganjam district’s Bhanjanagar. On the first day, we found assets worth Rs 2.76 crore, including two flats and a double storeyed house in Bhubaneswar, bank and insurance deposits of Rs 37.23 lakhs, two plots in Bhubaneswar and five in Ganjam,” said A. James, vigilance Superintendent of Police (SP), Bhubaneswar division.
After getting reliable information, the vigilance officials on Thursday raided the house of the engineer’s second wife in Bhubaneswar and seized 580 gram gold and Rs 2 crore cash, which is the highest cash seizure in the history of Odisha vigilance, she said.
“His seized assets are valued at Rs 4.76 crore along with his wife’s 580 gram gold and since he is a Class-II officer, the assets might be created from illegal income or corruption,” James added.
According to the official, a case has registered against Roul under the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018. He has been arrested and will be produced before the court on Friday and will be brought under remand for further investigation.
Y.K. Jethwa, Vigilance Director, said: “We have enhanced our focus on illegal assets/cash stashed in bank accounts of relations as well as those stacked in houses of close contacts by corrupt government officials.”
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