Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are set to exchange wedding vows tomorrow reportedly at 2 p.m. in Vastu Apartments, Pali Hill area of Mumbai. The couple has been very private about their wedding and that reflects in the guest list.
As per media reports, only a handful of 30 to 50 guests, which includes Ranbir and Alia’s closest friends and family members have been invited for the star couple’s D-Day. The ‘baraat’ will start from the iconic Krishna Raj bungalow, which is currently under construction, and will head to Ranbir’s Vastu Apartments.
The bungalow is named after Ranbir’s grandmother Krishna Raj. Prior to the ‘phera’ ceremony, Ranbir and Alia will also take part in a special pooja. Earlier, a video of Alia’s sister Shaheen Bhatt losing her cool on the paparazzi emerged on social media.
Shaheen slammed the shutterbugs as she arrived at Ranbir Kapoor’s Vastu building.
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