Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday interacted with the coaches and the players of the Odisha Juggernauts, the state-owned team in the ongoing Ultimate Kho Kho league.
In the inaugural season, Odisha Juggernauts performed exceedingly well and qualified for the final to be played on Sunday, after a dominating performance against Gujarat Giants in the qualifier, on Friday, in Pune.
Patnaik congratulated the team on its splendid performance and on qualifying for the finals. He encouraged them and wished them the very best for their final match ahead.
The coaches and the players were thrilled to interact with the Chief Minister over video conference.
They thanked Patnaik for the support that had been extended by him and the Odisha government and said that they will give their best performance and return to Bhubaneswar with the coveted trophy.
Head coach Ashwani Kumar Sharma, co-captain Dipesh Vijay More and player Jagannatha Murmu interacted with the Chief Minister.
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