In a tragic incident, two minor siblings drowned while bathing in a pond in Pipalpur village under Lamtaput block of Odisha’s Koraput district on Friday morning.
The deceased have been identified as Jinu Ladanaik’s 5-year-old son Yogesh and 10 years old daughter Satathi.
According to locals, the incident happened when the siblings were taking a bath in the village pond. It was suspected that both were slipped into deep water and lost their lives after drowning. As no one was there near the pond, this unfortunate incident happened, said a villager of Pipalpur.
After returning from his work, Ladanaik found that his children were not there in the home. After waiting for some time, he started searching in the village. Later, local residents found the bodies floating which were fished out.
After getting information, local police reached the village and sent the bodies for post-mortem.
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