In a tragic incident, five members of a family, including two children were killed in a road accident in Odisha’s Bolangir district, police said on Wednesday.
According to police, the accident took place late Tuesday night near Chhuinbancha square on Sambalpur-Bolangir National Highway-26. While five died on the spot, two critically injured persons have been admitted to Burla Medical College.
Atmaj Nayak of Ramjeepada in Bolangir along with six other members of his family were returning home in a car after attending a wedding event in the Agalpur area in the district.
Nayak, who was driving the car, lost control over the wheels, following which it dashed against a stationary truck parked on the roadside.
The deceased have been identified as Atmaj Nayak (25), his sister Ipsita Sai (27), her daughter Riya (6), Atmaj’s uncle Deeptiranjan Sai (35) and Sai’s daughter Anvi (6).
After getting information, Bolangir police reached the accident site and recovered the bodies, and sent them for post-mortem.
Nayak’s mother Arati (47) and Deeptiranjan Sai’s wife, Rasmita (29) sustained critical injuries in the mishap and were undergoing treatment at VIMSAR in Burla.
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