In a bizarre incident, a minor boy in Odisha’s Balasore district has committed suicide after his father allegedly failed to bring biryani for him, family members said yesterday.
The incident took place on Wednesday at Gobindapur village under the Nilagiri police station. The deceased was Satyabrata (13), the son of Manoranjan Maharnna.
According to the victim’s father, Satyabrata demanded biryani from him during last two days. However, his father, who is contesting for ward member’s position in the panchayat election, was unable to bring biryani for him.
“On Tuesday evening, he requested me to bring biryani for him. As I was busy with the election, I told him that I will get it on Wednesday. Again on Wednesday when he called me for the same, I told him that I am busy with the election. With this he disconnected the phone and in next few minutes, he hanged himself,” Manoranjan said.
Though the family members immediately rushed him to the local government hospital, the doctors declared him dead. After conducting an autopsy, the body was handed over to the family and the last rites were conducted yesterday.
Meanwhile, local BJP MP Pratap Sarangi on Thursday visited the bereaved family and expressed his condolences.
Sarangi blamed the food habit and nuclear family set-up for the suicide of the boy. Earlier, various kinds of delicious foods were being prepared in home and there was no fast food, he said.
The main reason is the nuclear family set-up, where children became alone and spend time on mobile phone. However, in joint families, children have their siblings, grandparents and cousins to play with, the BJP MP added.
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