SS Rajamouli, the director of ‘RRR’, earlier on Friday released a video preview of the much anticipated film ‘Brahmastra’s first song, ‘Kumkumala’. “Here’s #Kumkumala song promo from #Brahmastra: Part One. Excited to be presenting in Telugu. See you in cinemas on September 9th”, Rajamouli wrote as he shared the preview of the upcoming melodious song.
The song, composed by Pritam and sung by Sid Sriram, captures the attention of all. The lyrics penned by Chandrabose are impressive. ‘Brahmastra’ is one of the most eagerly awaited Bollywood films in recent memory. The socio fantasy film, directed by Ayan Mukerji, stars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt as the lead couple.
The multilingual blockbuster will be released worldwide on September 9, 2022, and also stars Tollywood actor Nagarjuna alongside Amitabh Bachchan and
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