Odisha’s ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD) candidate Alaka Mohanty won the by-election to Brajrajnagar Assembly seat with a margin of over 66,122 votes over her nearest rival, Kishore Patel of the Congress.
As per Election Commission data, a total of 1,53,398 votes were polled during the by-poll held on May 31. Mohanty got 93,953 votes while Patel got 27,831 votes, and BJP fell to the third position in the election as its candidate Radharani Panda got only 22,630 votes.
Panda, who won the seat in 2014 and 68,153 votes in 2019, lost her deposit in this by-election.
This is the first time since the 2019 elections that the BJP fell to the third spot, with the Congress came second spot. In byelections held for Bijepur, Balasore, Tirtol and Pipili MLA seats in recent past, the BJP had secured the second position.
Congratulating Mohanty, BJD President and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik thanked the people of Brajrajnagar for reposing love and faith on his party. “This victory has further strengthened our commitment to serve,” Patnaik said in a tweet.
The new MLA-elect said she will try for a holistic development of the assembly segment within the short span of time.
Congress candidate Patel said he never thought of such a dismal result. He alleged that the ruling party has utilised huge funds and indulged in booth rigging to win the election.
BJP candidate Panda also alleged that the ruling party has used its financial & muscle power and administrative machinery to win the election.
The by-poll was necessitated by the death of sitting lawmaker Kishore Mohanty, the husband of the BJD candidate, in December last year.
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