Delhi Minister Atishi on Wednesday submitted another supplementary report to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, seeking immediate suspension of Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar until probe in the Banmoli land acquisition case is complete.
L-G V. K. Saxena had not taken cognisance against the Chief Secretary on the first report and asked to take action against then southwest Delhi DM Hemant Kumar.
In her fresh report, Atishi informed the Chief Minister that the Chief Secretary did not take a single action against the DM, sources in the Delhi government said.
She further alleged that the entire action was only taken on papers despite the Chief Secretary having entire knowledge of the Bamnoli land acquisition, the sources said.
Atishi, the sources claimed, said that Chief Secretary tried his best to save the then DM.
She also reiterated that Chief Secretary’s son’s company was benefitted and to bring the truth out, CBI and Enforcement Directorate (ED) probe is required, the source said.
Atishi, the sources said, recommended to the Chief Minister that the Chief Secretary must be suspended immediately till the probe is completed.
On November 19, L-G Saxena had expressed surprise that the report which dealt with sensitive vigilance matters and was marked to his Secretariat in confidential cover, was already in public domain.
The L-G said that even the basic principles of inquiries were not followed in the instant case and Vigilance Minister Atishi and the Chief Minister have “referred” the matter to CBI and ED, which is beyond their competence as per law established.
However, the Delhi government same day hit out at Saxena saying it was a brazen attempt on the part of the L-G to “protect” his favourite officers, namely the Chief Secretary and Divisional Commissioner Ashwini Kumar
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