Oppo India recently launched the Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G in the Indian market. The model was introduced in the Chinese market in December last year, along with the Reno 5 5G.
The new Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G comes with a quad camera setup in its rear and a fast-charging option of 65 W. The body has thin bezels and curved edges, making the phone look sleeker than its predecessors and perfectly fitting with the thin punch hole display design. It has a MediaTek Dimensity 1000+ SoC processor at its core and is well fitted to give 5G connectivity to the user. Adapted to the latest technologies, the Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G is a successor of the Oppo Reno 4 Pro which was released in July last year under the Oppo Reno Pro series.
The model has been released at an introductory price of Rs. 35,990, with a variant of 8GB RAM + 128GB. The colour variants available for the phone are Astral Blue and Starry Black. The new Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G will be available on Flipkart, apart from being available at the official e-store of Oppo India. Besides this, certain offline stores like Reliance Digital, Big C, Croma etc. will also be selling the new flagship phone at retail outlets.
The phone was available for pre-bookings on January 18 and early purchasers got to buy the phone at a 10 percent cashback with transactions made on HDFC and ICICI bank cards. Customers using Bank of Baroda and Federal Bank cards, will get a cashback of Rs 2500, too. Paytm has also partnered with Oppo and is offering a cashback of 11 percent on the early purchases of the Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G.
Apart from the smartphone, the new Oppo Enco X earbuds have been released and will be going on sale from January 22.
The Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G is priced lower in India than in China. The operating system of the Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G is Android 11 along with ColorOS 11.1, The display is 6.55-inch full-HD+ (1,080×2,400 pixels) OLED with an aspect ratio of 20:9. The screen has a 92.1 percent screen-to-body ratio, and a 402 ppi of pixel density.
The display also has a 90 Hz refresh rate, which promises a smooth user experience. The rear quad camera comes with a 64 MP primary camera and an 8 MP secondary camera, supported by the 2-megapixel macro shooter and the 2-megapixel monochrome shooter.
The front camera of the Oppo Reno 5 pro 5G is 32 MP and is great for selfies and videos. Apart from the usual features, the Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G also comes with many AI-enabled features that make the smartphone ready for future generation of mobile usage.
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