
Taliban Seeks ‘Diplomatic and Trade Ties with All Countries, Particularly with US’

Taliban’s political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar has said the insurgent group intends to have economic and trade ties with all countries around the world, including the US.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants diplomatic and trade ties with all countries, particularly with the United States of America,” Baradar said in a tweet.

Baradar denied media reports that the Taliban has not intended to have diplomatic and trade ties with Washington.

“We never talk about cutting of trade ties with any countries. Rumor about this news has been a propaganda. It is not true,” he said.

Earlier in the day, unconfirmed reports said Baradar has arrived in Kabul from southern Kandahar to conduct consultation with Afghan leaders about the creation of a new government.

He returned to Kandahar from Doha on August 17.

On that date, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said they intended to form an inclusive government and do not want to have any internal or external enemies.

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