OdishaMain Stories

Gajapati District Man Decapitates Wife, Carries Chopped Head To Village

In a horrifying incident, a man in Odisha’s Gajapati district beheaded his wife on Thursday and carried her severed head to his village, police said.

The deceased has been identified as Urmila Karjee and the accused as Chandra Sekhar Karjee.

According to the police, the couple went to their agricultural field near Sara village in the morning for some work.

It was suspected that the couple engaged in a verbal duel, in which Chandra Sekhar lost his cool and beheaded Urmila using a sharp axe.

However, the exact reason behind the murder is yet to be ascertained.

Chandra Sekhar did not stop there. He carried Urmila’s severed head to his village and put it up in front of his house.

He remains were found in the farm, the police said.

Urmila was the second wife of Chandra Sekhar and they have a two-year-old child.

Chandra Sekhar’s first wife left him a few years ago after he attacked her.

After getting information, Kashinagar police reached at the spot and detained Chandra Sekhar.

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